Honest Sharing

Honest sharing
Connectedness as the key to a fulfilled life - Honest Sharing is both path and goal.

The Institute for Compassion offers the possibility to participate in "Honest Sharing" (according to Gopal Norbert Klein, 2019) as part of a self-help group.

Through our autonomic nervous system, we humans, like all other mammals, have the capacity to be in beneficial and relaxed contact with others and to make beneficial connections. 

However, our living conditions contribute in different ways to our inability to develop this capacity in a healthy way, usually without us being aware of it. As a result, our systems remain strained to some degree, leading to patterns of relationships and behavior from which we may suffer or even become ill.

Honest Sharing is a self-help method to bring individuals or groups of people into a relaxed and regulated state without a therapist. Participants share their inner movements within a simple but fixed structure:

1. each participant talks for 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of the group, without being interrupted, about the content of his or her perceptible thoughts, feelings and body perceptions at that moment.

2. the group provides a protected framework in which all other participants give the speaker their full attention and listen respectfully and openly.

3. the group leader ensures that the structure is maintained by making sure that no one intervenes and that the speaker does not drift into "storytelling," and that time is kept. The leader participates in the process as much as the participants and has the same amount of time to share.

The effectiveness of this program will be recorded as part of a scientific evaluation. Significant improvements in self-compassion have already been observed in an initial pilot study.

An "Honest Sharing" group is held regularly at the Institute for Compassion in Heidelberg. If you are interested, please feel free to send an email to Lea Lischka, 


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University of Saarland

Honest Sharing


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